
Sunday 3 June 2018

June 03, 2018

Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments

Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments

Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments. First Of all We will see What is Nipah virus. And then Symptoms of Nipah virus? , Prevention Of Nipah virus?, and Treatment of nipah virus. Diagnostic method of Nipah Virus.
Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments

What is Nipah Virus?

          Nipah virus is an virus that causes severe illness in animals and humans. It transmitted through infected fruit bats, infected people, or from other pigs. It is very dangerous virus which is also entered in India in 2018 through kerala.
            Nipah virus is new in India. The virus was first founded in 1998 in Malaysia and pigs were identified as the intermediate host. It spread to humans after they came in contact with pigs around them feces and excretions. The virus has also been found in species of domestic animals including dogs, cats, goats, horses and sheep after they came in contact with pigs.

What is Nipah Virus?

Symptoms of Nipah Virus?

          It takes 3-14 Days to make the virus observable effect. The Initial symptomes are
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Mental Confusion
  • Fatigue.
          The person can go to coma if these symptomes occurs for 24-48 hours. These virus can cause Encephalitis Which is a inflammation of brain. The victim can also have respiratory illness which will make the breathing fast and hard.
What is Nipah Virus? Its Symptomes and treatments

Prevention of Nipah Virus?

    Prevention is always better than cure. Prevention is more important as there is no accurate medicine available to cure the disease. The basic prevention one can take is:
  • Avoiding Exposure to Bats and Pigs.
  • Dont Eat Food Eaten By Birds.
  • Dont Drink Water Of Outside Such as Wells and Ponds
  • Avoid Monkeys.
  • A vaccine Hendra G is used to produce antibodies against henipavirus and Nipah virus.
  • Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and cover your mouth if you are in an infected area.
  • The primary carrier of this virus are fruit bats and they often drop half eaten fruits which might be consumed by other animals or humans and spread the infection. So it is advised that you avoid consuming pork or drinking date palm sap in the infected areas.
  • Since the Nipah virus can spread if you come in contact with infected animals or people, it is very important to maintain high levels of personal hygiene.
Bat eating oranges and banana Nipah virus

Treatment for Nipah virus

          There is no effective vaccination and medication treatment for Nipah virus infection. The anti-malarial drug chloroquine was shown to block the critical functions needed for maturation of Nipah virus. There are some homeopathy medicines are available which is used to control the virus infection.

SpecialtyInfectious disease Edit this on Wikidata
SymptomsNone, fever, cough, headache, confusion[1]
ComplicationsInflammation of the brain, seizures
Usual onset5 to 14 days after exposure
CausesNipah virus (spread by direct contact)
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms, confirmed by laboratory testing
PreventionAvoiding exposure to bats and sick pigs, not drinking raw date palm sap
TreatmentSupportive care
Frequency~700 human cases (1998 to May 2018)
Deaths~50 to 75% risk of death

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Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms ,Prevention and Treatments. First Of all We will see What is Nipah virus. And then Symptoms of Nipah virus? , Prevention Of Nipah virus?, and Treatment of nipah virus. Diagnostic method of Nipah Virus.

Saturday 21 April 2018

April 21, 2018

Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe

Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe

           Spiced Buttermilk which is also known as Masala chaas and Masala taak is a very popular Indian drink which is most of peoples drinks in summer. This is my one of the favorite drink in the summer days. I drink these spiced buttermilk from very small age. And believe me guys it is a very amazing and tasty drink I drink.
Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas or Masala Taak Recipe
Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe Photo

           The Yougurt is a one of the most favorite food in my home. When there is nothing to eat tasty I eat yogurt by mixing it with sugar. As Masala Chaas is made up of Yogurt (Dahi) and Spicy Indian Masala. The Masala used in these drinks make these drink Ideal for making summer better. The Masala Chaas or Spiced Buttermilk has very tasty and irresistable taste. Most of peoples Indian peoples know about Masala Chaas and want to drink it also. So Today we are going to make Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe.

           I made this spiced buttermilk for my wife. So now let's see how can you make it and serve it to your loved one.

Masala Chaas Ingredients:

  1. Yogurt/ Curd/ Dahi -250 gm (1 cup)
  2. Water (cold)- 2 glass
  3. Green chilly - 1
  4. Black salt/kala namak - 1tsp
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Mint leaves (chopped)- 1/3 cup
  7. Coriander leaves (chopped)- 1/3 cup
  8. Black pepper( crushed )- 1/4 tsp
  9. Roasted cumin powder - 1 tsp
  10. Roast the cumin seeds for 2 min then grind it.

Procedure To :

Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe

     1)   To Make Masala Chaas take a grinding jar add chopped Coriander leaves, chopped Mint leaves, 1 chopped green chilly into it then add little cold water into it and grind it for 8- 10 sec.

     2)   Open the jar and add Curd into it.

     3)   Add little black salt, salt to taste and roasted cumin powder.

     4)   Add half glass of cold water into the jar also add little crushed black pepper.

     5)   Close the jar blend it for 4-5 sec.

     6)   Pour the blended curd into big pot.

     7)   Add 1 glass of water and stir it well. Adjust the water Quantity as per your need.

     8)   Add salt, black salt and roasted cumin powder into it take care that we have already add some salt into it.

     9)   Take a wooden churner ( Rai/dal ghotni) and churn it for few can use hand blender also.

     10)  You can add little water into it if required.

     11)  Now spicy buttermilk is ready to serve.

     12)  Mix it well before serve. Also add some chopped Coriander leaves at the time of serving.

That's all how we learned how to make spiced buttermilk, which is also known as Masala chaas or Masala taak in some region of India.

Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas or Masala Taak Recipe
Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe

Advantages of Masala Taak, Masala Chaas or Spiced Buttermilk:

  • Masala Chaas will help you to solve the digestion problem.
  • Masala Taak also helps us to maintain the Digestive system.
  • Also the yogurt is very helpful to burn out the excessive fat. The fats will be washed off.
  • Spiced Buttermilk also reduce the tired behaviour and makes us energetic. 

Now we have learned how can you,

Make Spiced Buttermilk, Masala Chaas Recipe, Masala Taak Recipe

Make it and tell us in the comment about your masala chaas making skill.

That is all guys if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your friends and Stay Tuned For More Content Like This.

Thank You Friends.. 
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Tuesday 17 April 2018

April 17, 2018

Faluda, Falooda Recipe, How to make Falooda at home

Faluda, Falooda Recipe, How to make Falooda at home

                Hello Guys, Todays topice is Faluda, Falooda Recipe, How to make Falooda. In this summer hot day we all get exhausted and tired. Sometimes we also lose to much energy which can't be recovered by only water. Also water is not tasty. So here I bring A Special Indian "Faluda Recipe Using Milk". Which is so simple and you can make it easily. So before we starting lets know something about faluda first.

Faluda, Falooda Recipe, How to make Falooda at home

What is Faluda?

               The "Faluda" which is also spelled as "Falooda" is an Indian sweet and tasty energy drink recipe. In this Faluda the Milk and Ice cream is Added with silky noodles along with slithery black basil seeds which is also known as "tukmaria" are put together in very beautiful manner. This is stepped with the Rose cyrup and this beautiful and tasty combination is served as Sweet energy drink.

               There are also Lot's of other recipes of Faluda. If you want to get notified when we post something new then subscribe to the newsletter or like our facebook page. Now Let's see "How to Make Faluda" using this easy faluda recipe

Ingredients Falooda Recipe : 

  • 1) Rose cyrup
  • 2) Sabja
  • 3) Tutu fruity
  • 4) 1/2 cup Sevayi
  • 5) Dry fruits
  • 6) Ice cream as per your choice
  • 7) Fruits as per your choice
  • 8) 1/2 litre Milk
  • 9) Amul fresh milk cream (optional)

Procedure for Falooda Recipe :

    1)  Take a pan add 1/2 litre of milk into the pan also add 2-3 tbsp sugar into it.

    2)  Stir it well Up to the milk starts boiling.

    3)  Boil it for 10 minutes on low flame.

    4)  Off the flame and leave it for Cooling and put it into refrigerator for about 1 hr.

    5)  Take 1/2 cup sevai and boil it into hot water then strain it and add some child water into it.

    6)  Take 1/2 cup Subja seeds into bowl and add deep it into water for Half hour.

    7)  Now take milk out of the refrigerator and add 2-3 tbsp of rose cyrup or you can add (sugar+rose water).

    8)  Take a glass and add 2 tbsp of rose cyrup into it after that add 2 tbsp of Sabja seeds now add 1-2 tbsp of tuty fruity into the glass.

    9)  Now add 1-2 tbsp of sevai into it.

    10) Add little milk then add 2 scoops of ice cream.

    11) Again add 1 tbsp rose cyrup, some pieces of mango (any fruit), dry fruits,tuty fruity.

    12) Wosshh.. your  Faluda or Falooda Recipe is ready serve.

Faluda, Falooda Recipe, How to make Falooda at home

Advantages of Falooda :

              The Falooda or Faluda Contains Basils Seeds which is also called as sabja seeds or Turkmaria seeds which contains vitamin k and lots of protiens along with iron. Also sabja seeds are Ayurvedic Medicine so it has lots of advantages. Some of these is follows as :
  •  Cures Cough and Flu
  •  Helps in Weight Loss
  •  Reduces Body Heat
  •  Relieves Constipation and Bloating
  •  Controls Blood Sugar Levels
  •  Treats Acidity and Heartburn
  •  For Healthy Skin and Hair
Any Many more...

           That's all for this, Hope you guys like this Faluda, Falooda Recipe, How to make Falooda at home Post and this information. Try and make falooda and let us know in comment also friends.

That is all guys if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your friends and Stay Tuned For More Content Like This.

Thank You.. 
Comment Your Questions Below Guys.

Tags: Falooda Recipe, Falooda, Faluda Recipe, How to make Falooda, Falooda Ingredients, Learn can you make Faluda or Falooda at Home, Sweet Dessert, Falooda Indian Dessert

Monday 16 April 2018

April 16, 2018

Watermelon Drink Recipe | Cool Drinks and Summer Drinks

Watermelon Drink Recipe | Cool Drinks and Summer Drinks

         Hi friends, topic is Watermelon Drink Recipe, Cool Drinks and Summer Drinks ". We all know how the watermelons relax us in this kind of summer hot days. Watermelon consist lots of water along with glucose, fructose and many more proteins and minerals, which helps human body to become re-hydrated and energetic. But eating watermelon in traditional way it sometimes seems boring.

Watermelon Drink Recipe | Cool Drinks and Summer Drinks

         That's why sometimes we want to taste it in different ways without loosing its taste. Here are the way in which you can make the juice of the watermelon and taste it without losing the original flavor. Today we are going to make the cool drinks made up of watermelon. It is the very popular type of summer drinks. So Guys let's read this "how to make watermelon drink?" at home. I Hope you will enjoy it ;)

Ingredients for Watermelon Drink Recipe :

  • Take some watermelon pieces.
  • 1-2 tbsp of rose cyrup or (sugar+rose water).
  • Chat masala powder or (salt + little pepper).
  • A lemon juice.

Procedure to make Watermelon Drink Recipe :

    1) Take watermelon pieces and add them into blender also add small amount of rose cyrup Because it sweetened the watermelon drink and also gives very nice hint refreshing hint of rose essence.

Watermelon Drink Recipe
Cubes of watermelon

    2) If you don't have rose cyrup you can add a little bit of sugar and rose water or rose essence to this drink.

    3) Also add some chat masala powder to the blender if you don't have chat masala you can add some salt and little pepper.

    4) Add a lemon juice as per your requirement.

    5) Now it's time to blend it.

    6) After blending pass that drink through tea strainer so that the watermelon seeds should get removed or you can remove it before blending.

    7) Add few ice cubes, few meant leaves into the drink.

    8) Now your watermelon drink recipe is ready . You can refrigerate it and enjoy it later.

Advantages of Watermelon Drink / Watermelon juice benefits

            Watermelon contains a good quantity of potassium which helps us to fight heart disease. Along with this it contains the amino acids arginine and citrulline which help keep arteries, blood flow as well as overall cardiovascular organs functioning. The citrulline present in watermelon drink improves our cardiovascular health. Moreover, it also contains lycopene, vitamin C, and beta-carotene which help us lower cholesterol and prevent us from lot of cardiac problems as well. To keep your healthy heart, your diet should be low in fat and cholesterol and rich in antioxidants. Watermelon drink certainly meets all of those requires.

Watermelon Drink Recipe | Cool Drinks and Summer Drinks

So this is very simple and tasty recipe you must try. 
Tell Us in comment about your experience. 
for more cool drinks and summer drinks keep visiting or subscribe to our newsletter. 

That is all guys if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your friends and Stay Tuned For More Content Like This.

Thank You.. 
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Tags : Watermelon juice, cool drinks, summer drinks, Watermelon Juice Recipe,watermelon juice benefits,watermelon cocktail 
April 16, 2018

Make Mango ice cream, Chocolate ice cream, Vanilla ice cream recipe at home

Make MANGO, VANILLA and CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM recipe easily at home

            Hi Guys, topic is Make Mango ice cream, Chocolate ice cream, Vanilla ice cream recipe at home. We all love to eat ice creams. In this summer seasons Ice cream becomes one of the most relaxing food for all of us. Lots of peoples eats ice cream even in other seasons like winter and rainy seasons. There are lots of type and flavors of ice creams like strawberry ice cream, vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, mango ice cream. Everyone has own choice of taste. 


            In This Summery Hot Days everyone wants to enjoy ice cream without going outside. So friends here are the solution for " how to make Ice cream at Home?", Or "how to make chocolate ice cream easily at home?", or "how to make mango ice cream at home?", or " how to make vanilla flavored ice cream at home?". This type of questions is asked to me. So here are the answer. You can make mango ice cream, vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream using this simple steps below. Read Homemade ice cream recipe below I hope you will definitely like it. 

How to make ice cream.

Ingredients to make Ice Cream :

  • 1 litre full toned milk
  • 400 gram condensed milk
  • 10 piece white bread
  • 200 gm fresh cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp mango essence
  • 2 tbsp of coco powder
  • Pieces of chocolate Ice cream ingredients,



               Ice cream base is common for all flavour of icecreams. so firstly we are going to see hot to make Icecream base. Then we will see how to make flavoured icecream using this Icecream base.

For ice cream base recipe :

   1) Take 1 litre full toned milk in a non-stick pan and heats it.

   2) Take "white bread" (which is used for sandwhich) 

   3) Cut side part of bread which can be used as bread crumbs.

   4) Now cut bread into small parts.

   5) 'Milk' is heated now and stir it well, cook for 5 minutes and after that add 400 gm. condensed milk stir well.

   6) After that add 2-3 tbsp sugar if required as your taste and stir well.

   7) Now add small pieces of "bread" into boiled milk "pan" and stir it well.

   8) Also add 200 gm. fresh "milk cream" to the pan and cook it for 5 minutes by stirring.

   9) After 5 minutes switch off the flame and add "vanilla essence" to the mixture by mixing it well.

   10) Leave it so that the mixture becomes cool.

   11) Blend the mixture finely into blender.

          Now our Ice cream base is ready you can make any type of ice cream using it.

          Divide that ice cream base into 3 bowls so that we can make 3 ice creams as shown below.

A) For Chocolate ice cream recipe 

Chocolate Ice Cream recipe

   1) Add 2 tbsp of coco powder to the ice cream base and again blend it well.

   2) Now add the mixture into air tight container. You can use plastic , tin, or steel container for making ice cream .

   3) Also add small pieces of chocolate it tastes amazing . Then close the lid of that container.

   4) After that place the container into deep freezer for 8-10 hrs.

   5) Chocolate ice cream is ready to serve.

B) For vanilla ice cream recipe :

vanilla Ice Cream recipe

   1) Add 6-8 drops of vanilla essence to the ice cream base also add some small pieces of dry fruits to the mixture.

   2) Now add the mixture into air tight container. You can use plastic , tin, or steel container for making ice cream .

   3) After that place the container into deep freezer for 8-10 hrs.

   4) Vanilla ice cream is ready to serve.

C) For mango ice cream recipe :

  1) Take a mango and blend its pieces into blender so that our mango puree is ready.

   2) Add that mango puree into ice cream base. You can add 5-6 drops of mango essence.

   3) You can also add lemmon yellow food color into it so that it looks like mango.

   4) Mix it well now add small pieces of mango chunks into mixture so that it tastes awesome.

   5) Now add the mixture into air tight container. You can use plastic , tin, or steel container for making ice cream .

   6) Cover that container with plastic first then cover the lid of the container.

   7) After that place the container into deep freezer for 8-10 hrs.

   8) Mango ice cream is ready to serve.

Make Mango ice cream, Chocolate ice cream, Vanilla ice cream recipe at home 

That is all guys if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your friends and Stay Tuned For More Content Like This.

Thank You.. 
Comment Your Questions Below Guys.

Tags : How to make Chocolate ice cream, How to make Vanilla ice cream, How to make mango icecream recipe, Chocolate ice cream recipeVanilla ice cream recipe, mango ice cream recipe, How to make Chocolate, mango and vanilla icecream at home, Icecream recipe easy, Ice cream Recipe in easy Steps , Ice cream home, how to make icecream using bread, make Ice cream at home, Instant Ice cream Recipe at home, Ice cream using milk, Healthy Ice creams, Type of Ice creams. Chocolate ice cream easy recipe
April 16, 2018

Egg Maggi Recipe, How to Make Egg Maggi, Anda Maggi Recipe

Egg Maggi Recipe, How to Make Egg Maggi, Anda Maggi Recipe

Tags : How to make egg maggi , egg maggi recipe, maggi with egg recipe, vegetable egg maggi recipe, 

          Hi friends, Maggi is a very quick and tasty food peoples eat. but how can you make it even more tasty and nutritious. Well lot's of people asked me about this recipe. Today we are going to see about egg maggi recipe.

          Egg Maggi Noddles is very tasty and easy recipe. As we all know maggi is the very popular, tasty and easy recipe. Everyone can make maggi recipe. Egg Maggi is also very simple to make and very tasty to eat. It also consist of vegetables which also adds nutrition to it. so lets see how to make egg maggi.

How to Make Egg Maggi , Egg Maggi Recipe, Anda Maggi

             Everyone should try this simple and tasty egg maggi noodles recipe
  Preparation time : 4-5 mins.

  Cook time : 10 mins (Maximum).

  Total Expected Time : 15 mins.

  Egg Maggi Noodles – a quick snack using noodles and eggs.

  Type of the Recipe is Snacks.

  Cuisine :- Indian.

  Serves :- 1 Plate.

Ingredients to Make Egg Maggi :

  • 1 Packet of Maggi noodles
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup chopped onions
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/4 cup chopped capsicum / bell pepper
  • 1/4 tsp red chilli powder
  • Maggi taste maker masala
  • Salt to taste/

Instructions To Make Maggi :

    1) Chop the onion and garlic precisely.  

    2) Then chop the capsicum and also carrots into shape of cubes.

    3) Put 2 cups of water to a boil. Add the Maggie noodles Also put some of few drops of oil.

    4) Once the maggi noodles gets soft, switch off the flame. Make sure that noodles are not overcooked as they will turn out mushy.

    5) Drain the excessive water and keep the noodles aside.

    6) Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan. Add precisely chopped garlic.

    7) Once the garlic turn brown, add precisely chopped onions. Saute it till the paste turn translucent.

    8) Add some capsicum and cube shaped carrots along with red chilli powder.

    9) Mix it well and cook this Paste/mixture on a low flame till the vegetables (capsicum and carrots) turn soft.

    10) Beat the egg in a bowl and add this egg into the vegetable mixture we made in "step 8". Scramble the mixture of egg and cooked vegetables.

    11) Once it is cooked, add Maggie tastemaker and mix it well.

    12) Saute(Mix it) for a minute.

    13) Now add the cooked Maggie noodles. Mix it well till the noodles becomes well coated with the masala.

    14) Cook it for a minute again and remove from gas.

    15Now your Egg Maggie Noddles are ready to serve.

    16Egg maggi noodles is now ready to be served hot! 

You can also eat with maggi pichku.

Egg Maggi Recipe, How to Make Egg Maggi, Anda Maggi Recipe

That is all guys if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your friends and Stay Tuned For More Content Like This.

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Sunday 15 April 2018

April 15, 2018

Check out this 5 Food Items Which Makes Your Skin Youthful and Glowing

5 Food Items Which Makes Your Skin Youthful and Glowing

How to get beautiful and Glowing skin

Tags : How to get beautiful and glowing skin, What should you eat to get a glowing skin, 5 food which makes your skin soft and glowing, healthy food for skin

Everyone want to keep their skin youthful and glowing? Now Their is no need of expensive creams and pick up some whole foods! The vitamins and minerals which are found in the fruits and green vegetables have been shown to improve skin health, and the foods that you follow are especially crucial in the up keep of beautiful, glowing and soft skin.

1) Tomato

Not only are tomatoes high in vitamin C, which aids in collagen production, but they also contain lycopene, the pigment that gives tomatoes their bright color and which helps stimulate skin circulation.

2) Green Tea

An article published in the Archives of Dermatology stated that green tea may have more skin health benefits that previously thought. The reason? Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants, and while using skin care products that contain green tea may not do the trick, drinking fresh green tea, black tea, or oolong tea can reap more tangible results.

3. Brazil Nuts

Famous for their selenium content, Brazil nuts are excellent little nuts that help fight free radicals that detoriate skin collagen - the tissue that keeps skin firm and supple. They also contain zinc, which has been shown to naturally reduce skin inflammation and redness, aiding in acne reduction.

4) Extra Virgin Oil

Like walnuts, extra virgin olive oil is also high in essential fatty acids, which help the skin resist UV damage. It's also a great source of vitamins A and E, antioxidants which can help repair skin damage from sun exposure and air pollutants.

5) Walnuts

Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are key to keeping the your skin soft and supple. For those with dry skin, applying warm walnut oil regularly helps keep skin moisturized. An added bonus: walnuts also contain potassium, which helps strengthen hair folicles, making for longer, stronger hair.

That is all guys if you like it, then don't forget to share it with your friends and Stay Tuned For More Content Like This.

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