
Sunday 3 June 2018

Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments

Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments

Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments. First Of all We will see What is Nipah virus. And then Symptoms of Nipah virus? , Prevention Of Nipah virus?, and Treatment of nipah virus. Diagnostic method of Nipah Virus.
Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments

What is Nipah Virus?

          Nipah virus is an virus that causes severe illness in animals and humans. It transmitted through infected fruit bats, infected people, or from other pigs. It is very dangerous virus which is also entered in India in 2018 through kerala.
            Nipah virus is new in India. The virus was first founded in 1998 in Malaysia and pigs were identified as the intermediate host. It spread to humans after they came in contact with pigs around them feces and excretions. The virus has also been found in species of domestic animals including dogs, cats, goats, horses and sheep after they came in contact with pigs.

What is Nipah Virus?

Symptoms of Nipah Virus?

          It takes 3-14 Days to make the virus observable effect. The Initial symptomes are
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Mental Confusion
  • Fatigue.
          The person can go to coma if these symptomes occurs for 24-48 hours. These virus can cause Encephalitis Which is a inflammation of brain. The victim can also have respiratory illness which will make the breathing fast and hard.
What is Nipah Virus? Its Symptomes and treatments

Prevention of Nipah Virus?

    Prevention is always better than cure. Prevention is more important as there is no accurate medicine available to cure the disease. The basic prevention one can take is:
  • Avoiding Exposure to Bats and Pigs.
  • Dont Eat Food Eaten By Birds.
  • Dont Drink Water Of Outside Such as Wells and Ponds
  • Avoid Monkeys.
  • A vaccine Hendra G is used to produce antibodies against henipavirus and Nipah virus.
  • Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and cover your mouth if you are in an infected area.
  • The primary carrier of this virus are fruit bats and they often drop half eaten fruits which might be consumed by other animals or humans and spread the infection. So it is advised that you avoid consuming pork or drinking date palm sap in the infected areas.
  • Since the Nipah virus can spread if you come in contact with infected animals or people, it is very important to maintain high levels of personal hygiene.
Bat eating oranges and banana Nipah virus

Treatment for Nipah virus

          There is no effective vaccination and medication treatment for Nipah virus infection. The anti-malarial drug chloroquine was shown to block the critical functions needed for maturation of Nipah virus. There are some homeopathy medicines are available which is used to control the virus infection.

SpecialtyInfectious disease Edit this on Wikidata
SymptomsNone, fever, cough, headache, confusion[1]
ComplicationsInflammation of the brain, seizures
Usual onset5 to 14 days after exposure
CausesNipah virus (spread by direct contact)
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms, confirmed by laboratory testing
PreventionAvoiding exposure to bats and sick pigs, not drinking raw date palm sap
TreatmentSupportive care
Frequency~700 human cases (1998 to May 2018)
Deaths~50 to 75% risk of death

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Nipah Virus and Its Symptoms ,Prevention and Treatments. First Of all We will see What is Nipah virus. And then Symptoms of Nipah virus? , Prevention Of Nipah virus?, and Treatment of nipah virus. Diagnostic method of Nipah Virus.

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